Rewrite your relationship blueprint

Create the love story you want

Love coaching for single independent women

You love your life. You’ve built a career you are proud of and that fulfills you. You have great friends, hobbies and feel good being on your own.

But you also want someone by your side. You want a relationship but not any kind of relationship.

You want a healthy, loving relationship where you feel at peace, supported, valued, inspired and loved.

But despite all your efforts it’s not happening

You don’t find anyone interesting

You look around you and see very limited potential partners. You start to think there is no good men out there, or at least around you.

You fall for the “wrong” guys

You have these passionate affaires with men who end up being unavailable, unwilling to commit or not interested as you. You find the “nice” guys boring.

You’re not really sure you want to be in a relationship

Maybe you had to over-compromise in the past and you don’t want to find yourself back there. Maybe you had your heart broken. Or you’ve been single for a while and you looove your freedom.

You wonder how you got here, the only single around your friends or at your family’s meetings. You start thinking “Is there something wrong with me?”, “Maybe it’s just not meant to be”. You’re getting tired and feeling stuck.

I hear you, big time.

I’ve been there, single for almost 10 years.

But it doesn’t have to take you that long.

It is not only possible but also simpler than you think


To create a healthy, loving relationship you only need to:

Meet people

Attract & pick the right kind of person

Not fuck it up

My job is to help you do your part…


Feel confident & worthy so that you…

Date from a full cup (not from lack or for validation)

Only pick men who recognize your value & treat you well

Don’t go into self-doubt or downward spirals when things don’t go your way

Keep your center in the relationship

Understand & release what might be getting in the way (wounds, patterns, beliefs) so that you choose partners and relate from a healthy place

Trust yourself so that you…

Show up authentically, express your feelings, needs and boundaries freely

Recognize who is good for you and who is not

Feel comfortable getting intimate and committing

Know that meeting your person is just a matter of time

Handle your emotional triggers so you don’t waste energy in drama cycles

Take responsibility for creating the relationship you want

Build a supportive abundant mindset, not spending time blaming others or the circumstances

Be crystal clear on what you want to assess potential partners easily

Put yourself out there and meet people


With this deep relationship with yourself + a supportive mindset, you are fully ready for a relationship


You increase your chances of meeting your person

You have a solid foundation for healthier relationships

You go through the journey much more peacefully

Are you ready?

“For the first time I’m in a relationship where I feel both incredibly attracted by my partner & comfortable to express myself”


A container for transformation

My 6-month 1:1 coaching program is adapted to your specific situation and needs.

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The weekly sessions are taking place via video calls.

You also get some short home practices & prompts in between to anchor deeper your transformation.

We get clear on what patterns/fears/beliefs are getting in the way of creating the relationship you want. And from there we work on rewiring, healing insecurities, rewriting the stories and creating a conscious, intentional and supportive way to approach relationships based on self-worth, self-trust and self-responsibility.

The sessions are supportive, deep and transformative and as a result you’ll experience amazing shifts from day one.


My unique holistic approach addresses the conscious & subconscious. As all issues are hardwired in the brain and nervous system, it is where they need to be healed and transformed using the Mind and the Body together.

My coaching tools are based in psychology, cognitive science, neurobiology, mindfulness and in body-based somatic techniques as meditation, breathwork, movement, energy and pleasure practices.

We work with the Mind using thought-work to realize the power of your thoughts over your life; identify, question and release limiting beliefs; and use your mind intentionally to create what you desire.

We use the wisdom of the Body to release emotional blocks from the past; grow safety within; build a deeper connection with your inner guidance; unlock your true potential.

“After a string of painful relationships with unavailable men, I changed how I saw myself and shifted my patterns. I’m now in a peaceful, loving relationship.”


Client love

“Everything I've worked with Pauline is coming together in my new relationship.”

— Anne-Sophie.

“Working with Pauline helped me see my own worth and what I had to bring to a relationship. I stopped relying on men to confirm I was lovable.”

— Clémentine

“I was able to finally recognise that I wanted to be in a relationship, without feeling that it was a sign of weakness or dangerous.”

— Julia

Be 100% ready for love so that meeting your person becomes a matter of when and not if.

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