A free masterclass


from the


Connect with the power of your Feminine &

Use it to create loving relationships

You focus so much on your professional life that there is often little energy left for your personal life. And when you’ve spent the whole day thinking and getting things done, it’s not easy to step out of this mode and relax.


This is particularly impactful when you are single and looking for love.


Because work life and romantic life require diametrically opposite dispositions.

Which is great for work and productivity, is not so great for your love & sex life that demands playfulness, vulnerability and surrender. To allow connection and intimacy you want to be in a softening, receiving and opening disposition. You want to switch from doing to being. From thinking to feeling. From your head to your body. From go to flow. From your Masculine energy (yang) to your Feminine energy (yin).


As a woman, it is essential to find this balance and to be able to switch consciously.

When you are in touch with your Feminine energy…

⚡ You can actually enjoy dating and meeting people with less pressure.

⚡ You are fully present, instead of overthinking.

⚡ You feel good in your own skin as you are deeply connected to yourself.

⚡ You relate from a place of wholeness and authenticity… and this is terribly magnetic.

⚡ You tap into your intuition which helps you recognize the partners that are good for you.

⚡ You are more open to receive affection, pleasure, and love


Cultivating your Feminine energy is not only possible but easy.

And I’m going to show you how.

In this free masterclass you will:

  • Learn what is the Feminine & Masculine energy

  • See that the Feminine energy is available to you… and not only reserved for sensual, spiritual women living in exotic places ;)

  • Discover why it is essential to cultivate your Feminine energy when looking for love and once in a relationship

  • Understand the relationship between the Feminine energy and self-worth, emotions, sensuality & sexuality

  • Learn how to tap into that powerful energy with very simple tools & practices

Access it now

Meet your host

Hi, I’m Pauline

I’m a love coach for independent single women. I help you to become fully available for a loving relationship and to create this relationship easily.

After 10 years of struggles in my own love life, I’ve found the keys to a secure relationship and met my partner.

In the last 4 years, I have supported many women around the world to create loving relationships through a path of self-discovery and self-love.

The journey to love is simpler than we think. There is so much I wish I had known, and now, I’m honored to be able to share some of this knowledge with you in this masterclass.

It is possible for you too…

“I’ve gained clarity about my triggers and relationship patterns and learned how to catch them before reacting. I am now dating men that are good for me. I feel playful & so in touch with my feminine side.”

M. Germany

“I’m going through my love life more confidently & peacefully. I feel equipped to meet possible challenges.”

Anne-Sophie, France

“My relationship is different. I don’t shy away from challenges anymore out of fear. I know myself, what I want and don’t want. So far, every time we’ve tackled an issue, it only brought us closer together.”

Jennifer, UK

“I met my partner on my first date and we’ve been together for a year now. He is caring and attentive. We are on the same wavelength and there is chemistry. Exactly what I wanted!”

Caroline, France